Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Gone Child.... My Gone Childhood...

امروز با تو حرف مي زنم
راه ها رفتيم
اما هنوز
راه هاي نرفته بسيار است
آرزوهاي سوخته
راه هاي مانده
راه هاي بسته
امروز با تو حرف ميزنم
چقدر دلتنگتم
تنهايم گذاشتي کودکم... تنها
تنهاتر از گذشته


Anonymous said...

mage kasi ham mitune in kudake dus dashtani ro tanha raha kone
vase in hame rahe narafte?

Anonymous said...

ghazvinie mire doctor ravanshnas mige:aghaye doctor mishe begin in koodake daroone man daghighan kojast??:)

Anonymous said...

miduni na kudakim na balegh hamchun bargi az shakheh joda miravim ba vazesh har bad dar vadi sargardani

Anonymous said...

cry baby

Anonymous said...

شکر خدا پات رو زمین محکمه
کور و کچل نیسی علی سلامتی چی چیت کمه؟
می تونی بری شابدوالعظیم
ماشین دودی سوار بشی
قد بکشی خال بکوبی
جاهل پامنار بشی
حیفه آدم این همه چیزای قشنگو نبینه
الا کلنگ سوار نشه
شهر فرنگو نبینه

Iranian idiot said...

Hey there!
Long Time No Posts!
Look At You! Now that you have come, You Are Pregnant with a Child.
Who DID THIS?!?!

I'd Love to invite you to this game, that all the bloggers around the world are doing it. you simply write about 5 things you find interesting for your visitors to know, and you introduce 5 other people to this game. I'll let You to invite Sweet Roni to this game,OK!?
bye 4 now.

Anonymous said...

in ke kare har roozye eman ast

Maryam said...

و تنها تمام می شویم

Anonymous said...

I feel you like standing infront of poeple but I know misanthropy doesnt solve anything. Sometime you feel so lost that you'd wish you could just turn back time. I hope that you'll be ok.
Anyway sweetie, If I was your best friend, I wouldn't even think about going out with you in a romantic way ha ha ha , You were like a very mature beautiful young lady before but now ? You sound like a fat fucking grandma, Stop being a cry baby, I've been there, Still am at times and every time I get down I always go somewhere, Doesnt matter what happens around me, I've got myself, Try it baby and keep writing your feelings down, However it helps.

Live life to the fullest
Long life
With regards
The Great Amort

Anonymous said...

سلام!! یه سری به وبلاگم بزن...به بازی یلدایی که مد شده دعوت شدی.

Anonymous said...

تلخ ......

Anonymous said...

midooni tanhayi ye maa adamha zood tar az khodemoon be donya miyad va baad az maa mimire.

Anonymous said...

nemikhay up koni?
miduni chand vaghte tatili?

Anonymous said...

اگر وقتی باقی مانده باشد

Anonymous said...

کجایی دخترک
بازم که نیستی؟

Anonymous said...

mese in ke to ham bad joory yade gozashte oftady!!
eyne man!
in khasiate roozaye zemestoone?????

Anonymous said...

Open your eyes

Anonymous said...

همه ی ما دلتنگ کودکی هایمان هستیم!

Anonymous said...

خوب نیستی
منم یادم رفته بود
وبلاگت بوی موکت میده!